Bee Stings <%$, <%@, <%=, <%#

In aspx files you can use several different tags for embedded code blocks, also called inline code blocks. If you tend to forget what they all mean, here is a short explanation with further links. And here is a longer explanation from MS.

To set a Text of a Label to a resource called Pres in the App_LocalResources for your current page, you shall use this syntax: Text="<%$ Resources: Pres %>". Spaces are optional.

Similarly, to access a resource called Volume in the App_GlobalResources folder in a file called Msg.resx you shall use this syntax: Text="<%$ Resources: Msg, Volume %>". Spaces are optional.

Many Faces of Tclkits

Much information about different tclkits is found there:

What does my tclkit contain?

% info tclversion
% packages
invalid command name "packages"
% package names
rechan zlib tcl::tommath vfslib vfs::mk4 mk4vfs vfs Mk4tcl Tcl
# Not all packages are shown at first!  Only after trying to require an unknown package, 
# the package list is filled.
%  catch {package require thereisnosuchpackage}
% package names
Thread http tcl::tommath rechan opt tcltest mk4vfs vfs::zip vfslib msgcat 
registry zlib starkit Ttrace Tcl Itcl dde platform Mk4tcl vfs vfs::mk4