TreeSize Free

WinDirStat is a tool to find space thieves on drives and I liked it much. But the newest WinDirStat I could find is v 1.1.2 from the year 2005.

And it has got severe problems. It does not work on our Strato-Server which runs Windows Server 2016 Standard. There it hangs, presumably in the servicing/packages directory.

The alternative Spacemonger 1.4.0 of the year 2000 has got the same problem.

WizTree 4.10 x64 does work very well, it is astonishingly fast, even over the servicing/packages directory. But it is not full freeware, it must be paid if you want to use it commercially.
And it has got a very annoying Donate button. I am not against Donate buttons in general. But this one shivers every some time – i hate this.

Now I’m using TreeSize Free.
TreeSize Free is full freeware even for commercial use. It’s quite fast, even over the problematic servicing/packages directory. And it’s got the nice feature that you can filter what it shall scan. So you can e.g. easily search for too big log files.

There are two paid versions of TreeSize with some additional features available also.

Jetpack Markdown Replacement

In my blog I’ve been using Jetpack Markdown for years. But lately I had to move the blog to another system and then Jetpack Markdown was no longer available. WordPress says that’s the case because it violates some WordPress guidelines. Strange enough that it didn’t violate any guidelines for years. I assume the brightest of the WordPress developers introduced some new guidelines which made Jetpack Markdown unusable. WELL DONE WORDPRESS DEVELOPERS.

Now I’m trying the Markup Markdown plugin and until now it seems to work. Though I’m not too content. Main disadvantages, which are quite annoying:

  1. It seems not to be possible to preview changes of already published posts.
  2. The editor likes to mark some words or abbreviations in a rosy color.
    image with rosy text

Markdown cheat sheet

What Description Syntax
Headers h1, h2, h3 #, ##, ###
Emphasizing italic, bold *inline*, **bold**
Code inline, block ` <- that's a backtick, ~~~
Links link, image [title](, ![alt text](abcd.jpg)

VisualStudio 2017 Crashes When Docking a Window

This is terribly annoying. But there are workarounds mentioned on

I tried this one and it helps:

Edit %InstallRoot%\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config and %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0_xxx\devenv.exe.config and append the following text to the element’s value attribute:


All of this text must be put into one line without spaces in between. The line break in this post is only for readability.

How to move a WordPress Blog

My blog provider has terminated my old hosting platform, he said he cannot support it anymore. So I’ve been forced to move my dear blog to another one. I tried lots and lots of stuff and nothing worked.


Until I stumbled over the menu entries Export and Import in the WordPress-Tools menu. I exported my old blog to a xml file and imported it in my new WordPress installation. And voilá, all my posts have been transformed from the old to the new blog.  So easy.

What’s not been transferred by this action where all the settings, plugins, plugins-settings, themes, theme-adaptions and the like.   But that is the least part and I’ll do it manually.


How to Show Windows Updates by Command Line?

There are several methods mentioned in the internet:

Method Comment
systeminfo.exe Doesn’t show all packages that are installed, quite surely.
wmic.exe qfe get hotfixid |sort Shows the same packages as systeminfo.
in Powershell: Get-HotFix | Sort-Object HotFixID Shows the same as the tools above.
dism /online /get-packages /english Finds a lot of packages but not the KB number for all of them. Some KB numbers showing up in the commands above don’t show up here.

As these tries did not work out well and the Windows-i/Updates/Update history is not searchable well, I tried other ways:

NirSoft’s WinUpdatesView

NirSoft’s WinUpdatesView

  • It is freeware. It is quite good, but it also does not show the same information as Windows/Update history
  • It shows also attempts to install an update with date and current state (failed, succeeded, in progress).
  • It’s got a search function (Ctrl-f).
  • And a quick filter function (Ctrl-q). With this you can filter only for succeeded or failed attempts.
  • You can sort the view by any of the many columns.
  • You can save the history to a text or csv by starting WUV with the parameters /scomma filename.
  • Minus: for me, it does not show anything older than 31. March 2021. Windows/Update history shows older packages.

Via Registry

The following method I did find also, I have not yet tested it.

In the registry under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages, each key represents an update.
For each update there is a list with values and CurrentState shows the state of the update. These are the decimal values that can occur:

Decimal Meaning German
0 absent nicht installiert
5 uninstallation pending
16 resolving ermitteln
32 resolved ermittelt
48 staging aktualisieren
64 staged akutalisiert
80 superseded ersetzt
96 install pending
101 partially installed
112 installed
128 permanent